OK, so I followed up on the blind date option that our mutual friend had been spruiking about and it turns out the guy was a bit of a mad keen outdoorsy type. I am the polar opposite of a mad keen outdoorsy type.
While this guy sounded nice enough, he is apparently very 'active'. Whereas the closest I come to perspiration is the cold sweat that breaks out at the thought of striding around the countryside climbing and paddling and shooting and kicking and pedalling (all of which this bloke is into!).
I’ve tried to be the outdoorsy girlfriend and really, really sucked at it. I am just so much more comfortable spending my weekends sharing laughs with loved ones over dinner or drinks, checking out a live gig, pottering around at home cooking or baking, going to the movies or to see a show/comedian, shopping or going for a drive in the country (preferably in the vicinity of a winery).
Hmmm, does that sound like an extract from an on-line dating profile? Well that’s probably because it is. Yes, I have just finished dusting off my ‘e-persona’ and decided that after a six-month hiatus, I should upload, go live and give the collective on-line single male community another go.
I’ve had mixed luck with on-line dating. I’ve met some really normal, lovely and interesting people whom I’ve gone on to have relationships with … but have also come across some very bizarre, deluded, unstable and downright depressing characters.
Like the 36-year-old medieval re-enactment tragic who has left his wife of 17 years a mere three months prior and was sure we’d fall madly in love, if only I agreed to meet him in person.
Or the mono-brow science guy who used his first email to tell me all about the cultures he’d been growing, how it took about seven attempts but they were finally taking off and … well, I kind of drifted off after that.
Or the toothless, mullet-ridden, wife-beater-wearing, dole-bludger who wasn’t ready to be shackled down to just the one lady but was up for a ‘good time’ if I was. I wasn’t.
So here we go again, wonder what awaits me!